MoxieQuest Coaching

What’s your courageous adventure?

Ready to jump in and get your boots dirty?

When life gets challenging, it’s hard to figure everything out on own own. Coaching can help you learn new ways to deal with the hard things and become more resilient and peaceful in the process. I’m glad you’re here!

Emotions Matter

At MoxieQuest, we understand the profound power and wisdom nested within your emotions. They aren't just fleeting feelings; they are tools for awareness, engagement, and growth. With us, you'll harness this innate wisdom, giving you the power to transcend the ordinary, shattering self-imposed limitations and boundaries. We believe the impossible isn't a dead-end, but the next thrilling challenge to conquer in your life's quest.

We’re here to help you rewrite your own story - not from a place of fear or limitation, but from the infinite wellspring of your potential. Imagine a story where you engage fully with life, where you’ve created loving and nurturing relationships with deeper empathy, authenticity, and joy.

As your emotional intelligence grows and your consciousness elevates, you'll not only transform your relationship with yourself but also inspire change in the world around you. Together, we'll ignite sparks of possibilities, redefine boundaries, and dare to break the limitations that have held you back.

Your journey with MoxieQuest is more than coaching; it's an empowerment voyage where your equipped to embrace all your emotions, whether they're comforting or challenging. The result? A liberated you, an enlightened you - A you who's crushed the chains of limiting beliefs and is ready to step into a world of limitless potential.

So, are you ready to embark on this adventure? Are you ready to redefine what's possible? Engage your full potential with MoxieQuest Coaching - your inner adventure begins now! Let's reclaim joy, honor emotions, and rewrite your story together. Sign up today, and let's take the first step towards the extraordinary you.

I’m Jenny and this is my service dog, Emerson.

As a coach, speaker, artist, and author, I’ll encourage you to reconnect with what makes your heart sing - to rediscover your joy! You’ll unlock your purpose and passion and be able to more forward with your life.

Sounds simple, right? I wish I could say it was however, most clients find the work hard at first. That’s why having a guide by your side can be so encouraging.

As your coach, I’ll assist you in finding your own, unique, one-of-a-kind magic. We’ll work together, either 1:1 or in a group, to go on an inner journey of self discovery that will unlock your limiting beliefs so that you can achieve your impossible. I’ll help you break through the outside noise to find your true self!.


I’ve used the same approach in my own life.

I’ve lived my life with a significant physical disability since the age of 17. At first, I had many self-limiting beliefs surrounding my disability. I bought into the untrue messages that society had imposed about what a person’s life with a disability should look like. Thankfully we crushed those outdated beliefs!

Eventually, I shattered society’s mirror and created my own life plan. With the support of many, I found my way back to my true self, which empowered me to climb to the top of a pyramid in Mexico, complete an adventure race through the mountains of Colorado, make the USA Disabled Archery Team, and succeed in multiple three-day competitive horse-driving events. 

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Professionally, I’ve earned a PhD in organizational psychology from Walden University along with being a certified coach (PCC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF). In 2013, I began my certification journey into the work of Dr. Brené Brown. Currently, I’m certified in The Daring Way™, Rising Strong™ and Dare to Lead™ Curriculums. I’ve been a coach since 2007 and have expertise in the fields of emotional intelligence, positive psychology, self compassion and mindfulness.

I live in Mound, MN with my husband Pete and our three dogs, three cats and horse, Joy.


Jenny’s Journey to Joy

Jenny Peterson was distracted. She shuddered as the wind whipped across the dusty plains that sprawled out in front of her. She hadn’t expected Sunray, Texas to be so cold. But it wasn’t the weather that was diverting her attention. As her husband, Pete, got her situated in her wheelchair, Jenny’s eyes darted from the field to the barn and back to the field again. She was looking for a horse she had come to buy. One she’d been stalking on social media for weeks. Jenny was giddy when the horse breeder finally asked if she wanted to go to the barn to say hello to the magnificent creature she’d traveled nearly a thousand miles to purchase. When Pete wheeled her into the barn aisle, and the horse lowered its head down to Jenny’s chest, her heart felt like it cracked wide open. Not since before her disabling accident three decades earlier had Jenny felt this kind of joy. Surely it was fate that the horse’s name was also Joy. Jenny was over the moon that Joy would be her equine partner.

During a conversation with her husband, Jenny mustered up the courage to express her dream of learning to drive a horse. She was sure Pete would say it wasn’t possible or that she was crazy. But his response was, “OK, how do we do that?” It became clear to Jenny that her own self-limiting beliefs had been holding her back and preventing her from reaching her full potential. Jenny had believed driving a horse would be impossible for her. She was thankful to discover she was wrong.

Jenny immersed herself into the carriage driving world and her horse skills came flooding back. She assembled her “J-Team”, surrounding herself with others who knew more about her newfound passion than she did. With the help of many, Jenny and Joy began driving together. The feeling of being in the carriage and connecting with Joy was indescribable. Her dormant competitive spirit began to reemerge. She longed to be in the show ring, to challenge her skills, test her abilities, and be seen as an equestrian. As a person with a physical disability, Jenny often felt invisible. But now with Joy she felt she could truly soar and be fully seen. 

While packing for her first horse show in over 35 years, all of Jenny’s childhood memories reappeared. Washing her horse. Putting together her show outfit. Getting the truck and trailer loaded. All of details coming together to make this a reality. She was beside herself with excitement and gratitude. Her thoughts swirled. “I can’t believe I get to do this! I am so happy! Here we go!”

The energy was infectious—excitement mixed with nervousness, a dash of fear and pure happiness. Jenny’s smile could be seen from blocks away as she and Joy were harnessed up and ready to enter the arena. The announcer called the participants one by one over the loud speaker. “Dr. Jennifer Peterson from Mound, Minnesota driving Greentree Night Joy.” Her heart jumped into her throat as they entered the expansive white fenced show ring. Following the other competitors, they took their spot and found their rhythm. Jenny’s smile shifted to her game face as her and Joy swiftly passed by the spectators.

The announcer called the paces. “Walk please. Walk your horses.”

As the seasoned veteran, Joy responded without much guidance.

“Trot please. Trot your horses.” Again, Joy knew exactly what to do. They came into the center of the arena for the final line up. One by one, the judge approached each team.

“Back your horse please.” Joy took her request and when finished, Jenny thanked the judge. The short wait for the call of ribbons seemed like forever. The crackle of the loudspeaker broke the silence.

“In sixth place ...”

Not us, just wait, Jenny thought.

“In fifth place ...”

Not us again.

“In forth place …”

Oh bummer, I don’t think we placed.

“In third place ...”

Shoot, for sure we didn’t place.

“In second place ...”

Yup, we didn’t get it, but it was really fun to be here, Jenny told herself.

And then, the words she didn’t expect to hear: “In first place, Dr. Jennifer Peterson driving her Morgan horse Greentree Night Joy!”

As a senior in high school, Jenny was injured in a downhill skiing accident and dislocated her sixth and seventh vertebrae. Medically, she broke her neck and was now a quadriplegic—paralyzed from the chest down with limited use of her arms and hands. She would most likely never walk again, and her healing journey would be long. It was a bit like déjà vu for Jenny. She’d been born with scoliosis and had spent most of her childhood in a Milwaukee back brace. When she was 13, she had major back surgery to straighten her spine. But none of it ever stopped her from living her life to the fullest and finding ways pursue her passions, like participating in sports and riding horses.

Before the skiing accident, Jenny was fiercely independent—even at the young age of 17, she planned to move away from home for college and live on her own. Despite her newly acquired disability, those plans hadn’t changed. However as a quadriplegic, the journey would be different. She had to begin by re-learning everyday tasks she’d taken for granted like using a wheelchair to get around instead of walking; using a hand splint to write, eat and brush her hair; working with personal care attendants to shower, get dressed, and go to the bathroom. She also re-learned how to drive with hand controls and took up adaptive archery. She enrolled in college and got her first service dog, Alpha. She began working. Jenny slowly put the pieces of her shattered life back together and was determined to push forward, even if she couldn’t envision her future.

After college and a few entry level jobs, Jenny’s career path led her to an executive director position in a nonprofit organization. Her experience and ongoing education in leadership and organizational psychology further inspired Jenny to start her own business. In 2007, she launched a coaching practice and began working with leaders. She discovered Brené Brown’s work on courage, vulnerability, shame, and resilience. She became certified in Dare to Lead™, a program rooted in Dr. Brown’s research with a methodology that deeply resonated with Jenny. Being a quadriplegic forced her out of what had been her comfort zone from day one. Living an independent life required interdependence with others, which required vulnerability, courage and a lot of grit. Now she was helping others transform their lives the way she had by giving them tools to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. 

Despite all of her achievements, there was something Jenny hadn’t been able to do since before the skiing accident. She couldn’t stop thinking about being with horses. She’d loved these majestic animals since she was a little girl and began riding when she was 5 years old. As a teenager, she forgot she was wearing a back brace when she was on a horse. It was the place she felt truly free, and she longed to feel that freedom again. Caring for a horse had also taught her a lot about patience, responsibility and leadership. Developing a partnership with a thousand-pound animal helped her gain confidence. After much internal deliberation, she realized it was time for her to be her most vulnerable. 

Jenny’s eyes began to well as they made their way to the judges table to receive the blue ribbon. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as they took their victory lap. This was exactly how she wanted to be seen. In this brief moment, her inside dream matched her outside reality. It was pure coherence. She finally felt like a true equestrian. She and Joy had just achieved what Jenny thought was impossible.

Pete met them at the gate as they left the show arena. “All of that work for a $5 dollar ribbon,” he joked. “Was it worth it?”

“Totally!” Jenny beamed.

In that blue ribbon moment, Jenny reconnected to a place deep in her soul she thought was lost. The ribbons represented her comeback, resilience, tenacity and growth. She hung them on her art room wall to remind herself of the 17-year-old whose life was turned upside down in a skiing accident. It was how she wanted her room to look as a teenager versus her reality of a hospital bed and rehabilitation room. Today, the ribbons remind her to challenge liming beliefs, move forward in cultivating joy, and to lean into her most impossible dreams—ultimately living her courageous journey.

Jenny challenges her clients to embark on their own MoxieQuests to discover for themselves the essence of what makes their heart sing. For her it was horses and she believes everyone has their own “something special.” Her wish is that everyone embraces their uniqueness, shatter their constraints and step into their big and bold. She provides individual coaching, online courses and virtual workshops and mastermind groups. Through these opportunities, clients unlock their passions and step into their lives with more purpose and meaning. They rediscover and rekindle unfulfilled dreams while stepping into new opportunities. They ignite their inner wisdom to create the life they desire, step into more joy, and do the things they’ve always wanted to do. They become visible in their own lives and fully realize their forgotten or abandoned dreams. 

Despite all of her achievements, there was something Jenny hadn’t been able to do since before the skiing accident. She couldn’t stop thinking about being with horses. She’d loved these majestic animals since she was a little girl and began riding when she was 5 years old. As a teenager, she forgot she was wearing a back brace when she was on a horse. It was the place she felt truly free, and she longed to feel that freedom again. Caring for a horse had also taught her a lot about patience, responsibility and leadership. Developing a partnership with a thousand-pound animal helped her gain confidence. After much internal deliberation, she realized it was time for her to be her most vulnerable.